My brother has for a while been insisting that I start a blog. So, for you dear brother, here it is.
In this elementary stage, I thought I would give a brief history of myself.
My name is Megan, and I'm a part time nerd. I'd like to think I could get into gaming, but with my time spent reading Jane Austen (and other fab writers...), auditioning for yet another play/musical, and thinking I really should start practicing the piano and (finally pick up) the cello (and there is a tiny thing called University study that my tutors would like to think I do...) I don't really have the time.
Instead I appreciate gamers, and the time they put into their extra curricular activities.
I have changed my degree that many times that my own mother still asks me what it is I do to fill up my time. Currently I'm a journalism and Theatre student. I've just turned 23, which makes me in my early mid-twenties. Within my group of people, age does have a relevant significance. To which I am unsure as to why.
I'm from a little unknown city called Perth, Western Australia.
I lived there all my life, other than when I spent a stint in Sydney (for study and internship purposes).
I like it here, but I do feel the travel bug calling me away, and I have so many places I would like to move too. I'm not sure where in the world I will end up but I know I will miss all my friends and family when I do finally get up and leave.
I think thats all you need to know at the moment.
Oh, one more thing. I like pie. I like thinking about it, I like baking it, and I love eating it.
I hope that clears some things up.