Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Time, ill spent

Dear Readers,

Depending on who is reading this, you might have have known that last week was very exciting for me, and not in a good way.
I attended the Uni Cocktail Party at this cool little bar in Fremantle, WA - called the East End Bar.
Awesome place, there were velvet covered walls, luxurious couches (including a chaise...) - all in all rather fantastic place, and I would generally recommend it!
However, and maybe its as I am hitting that early mid-twenties stage and I don't bounce back as quick, I have either had alcohol poisoning or my drink was spiked.
An experience that I don't recommend for anyone, nor one that I ever thought I would have.

Luckily it happened as the bar tab was closing and it was the last drink I had that was the issue.
However, I can not remember the last hour of the night.
I have been using my best detective skills to try and piece together what happened to me. I have found more people that remember the night a whole lot more than I do, so I am talking to them trying to sought out what I did - which ends up being an entirely different story.

I am a little wary now, and it will be a long time before I am able to drink alcohol again.

So let this be a lesson to all of you, keep an eye on what you're drinking - and how much you drink. Losing hours of your life and time not spent partying with your friends on the dance floor is time ill-spent.

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