Monday, 19 December 2011

Nature 1, Megan 0 - till we meet again nature.

Good Afternoon Internets,

I hope this post finds you well.

I have recently returned from a camping trip Down South in Walpole (South West, Western Australia).
It was meant to be a relaxing trip away from the hard life that is the city (who am I kidding, I live in Perth... its not really a city...).

As I was saying, it was meant to be relaxing... but little did I... or my mother know some of it it would be anything but.
I think my poor mother saw a side of me she never has before, and it was rage. Pure unadulterated rage.
I don't like bugs... or any pests for that matter.
I hate flies... but I could live with them. The Horse Flies however - I believe I asked my dear mother more than once, why couldn't Noah just swatted them before sailing away on his ark?
The only answer I have, is so that they could try and kill me whilst on a relaxing break.
These beasts are so set on ruining your day, that they even find ways of eating your flesh through your clothing.
I think they must have mated with cockroaches along the evolutionary trail, as these part godzilla flying dragons wouldn't die, no matter how much bug spray was cursed in their direction, nor from my skilled flicking abilities (I do have siblings...).

As the day progressed though, these winged killers went back to the pits of hell from whence they came. In their place came the blood sucking vampires and giant winged wombats... No Edward Cullen did not join us for a spot of dinner...
the mozzies and gigantic moths appeared to ruin my dinner.
Seriously, they were as big as my face.
The only thing that made dinner bearable was my mother and the fact that we had beer.

On about day three of our camping adventure, we managed to start cooking before the sun went down, and lo and behold another pest made their way into special dinner time. At first I thought it was going to be a lovely cute moment...
I was wrong.
Singing to the Kookaburra only made them come back in packs... and steal our food.

Then they came back every night.
Luckily, my mother got to see me swear like I have never sworn before.
I think it was a beautiful moment for us both.

Luckily on our trip however, we were able to buy honey mead, which is one of the sweetest things you'll ever get drunk on; and all sorts of ciders.
And olives; and if you know one thing about our family, is we love our olives.

till next time internet,

ps. I turn 24 in a month (my sister just reminded me...) holy macaroons...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Sometimes I just think of myself as a horrible person

I know I said I was going to try to be a better blogger - sigh what a joke that was.

However, I have finished uni for the year - so I will see what summer brings.
You may have noticed I said for the year and not for life, here is what happened. I got so sick, that I failed a unit, and there was no way to fix it.
So at least another semester is needed... but I have a plan (I always have a plan).
I'm going to pick up some politics units and maybe some English literature - have yet to make up my mind on that one.
I think that way I'l be a more rounded journalist.
Plus when I was filling out the application for the ABC cadetship, I just didn't have enough experience as a journalist for me to believe that I could even be considered.
So this up coming year, the year the world is meant to end - will be me trying to gain experience as a journalist and finding ways to fill up that quota.

I'm also going to be going on a camping trip with my mum starting tomorrow. Hopefully there will be internet access, just so that I can still be in contact with the world.
I'm going to use this time however to try and edit my novel.
I've been working on it for about 9 years now, so I think it is almost time for it to see the light of day - and have a chance at being published.

Well that is the plan anyway.

Also I painted my nail's red - not sure I like it.
What do you think?
Yeah I don't know either.